Friday 3 January 2020

What Is Your Worth?

What is your worth?

How valuable do you think you are?

I know you have your own answer but please allow me to give you mine. Here it goes:
Today, in the world that we live in, people value a lot of things because of what this things are worth. Some value money, luxury, a prominent job and many more while others value nature, especially plants and animals. Heck, there are people out there who love dogs more than they love other fellow humans! But no matter how valuable all the above are, none can ever add up to Your Value.
You see, money, luxury, and all of those are man-made and have calculated values. Nature, on the other hand, is God's Creation and does not have any calculated value other than those that have been set by humans.

Now you might say: I am also God's Creation. How different does that make me from Nature?
Well, for everything else in the Garden, God spoke and it came into form; it came into being. The sound of His mighty voice resulted in the existence of these things. For you, a human? Nope, not so.
He had to leave His Throne and come down to this Earth, He had to go onto both knees, and he had to mold the dirty clay with His bare Hands. Every centimeter, every inch of your body was molded and shaped by His Powerful Hands and He even went to the extent of breathing the breathe of life into your nostrils so that you may have life. Oh yes, He could have just spoken and you would have come into existence but no, God, the Creator of the entire Universe, had to leave his Throne in Glory; had to come down to Earth; Had to kneel down on the ground; had to touch the dirt of this Earth; had to get His Holy Hands and Fingers dirty! JUST FOR YOU! JUST SO THAT YOU COULD BE A PART OF ALL CREATION!


No calculated value on this Earth set by men can ever add up to Your Real Value. You Are The Icing On The Cake, The MASTERPIECE Of God's Creation. No amount of Diamonds, Gold, or any precious stones can outworth your worth. No living thing found in nature can outvalue your value. Money, luxury - the things that are valued by people today - can and will never ever be comparable to you in this life or in the life to come. There is no word in the dictionary that could ever fully describe your worth. YOU ARE EVEN WORTH DYING FOR! Because God sent His Only Son to give up His Life for You. Yes, YOU!

On a piano, you have 88 spirituals. The 'keys' of the keyboard may be referred to as spirituals. You have the seven white spirituals which are named after letters A - G, and you have five black spirituals which are found between the white spirituals. All add up to twelve spirituals. Now if you calculate the probability of how many chord progressions there are, you will find a set limit, but that does not mean that there is a limit to the amount of music that can and will ever be made. We, humans, are like that Piano. The Characters and Personalities we possess are like the keys on the piano. Probability tells us that there can be a limit to how many types of people there are and psychology tells us that there are four types of people but that does not mean there there is a limit to how many lives there are that roam the face of this Earth. You Can Look This World Over Ten Times, Twenty Times, Even A Hundred Times But You Will NEVER Find Someone Who Is Exactly Like You.

What does this tell you about yourself???

You Are Special.
You Are Unique.
You Are Rare.
Thus, Your Value is immeasurable.
So, again I ask, what is your worth?

How valuable do you think you are?

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