Tuesday 7 January 2020


When something goes wrong and we find ourselves in a very bad situation, we tend to put ourselves down. We give in, we give up, we stop to try and we let it get the best of us because we think that that is it; we think that we are done for, and we look down on ourselves.

It is perfectly natural for us to do that. You see, we are all born into a negative world and as a result of this, we tend to think negative almost all the time. We live in this negative world and this has made negativity a part of us. BUT that does not mean we can not change the way we think. It all starts with YOU GUARDING YOUR MIND.

Keep away from the television, keep away from the cell phone, keep away from social media. Don't even read the newspapers. You see, all of us get a sense of hopelessness and/or anxiety when we see or hear or read about bad things. That is why we have to guard our minds because negative thoughts tend to surface much much easier than positive thoughts. We have to keep away from certain things because the things we put into our minds tend to program us. If you don't program your own mind, these things will. We HUMANS are all 'GOAL ORIENTED'. If you don't start setting your own goals, chances are that the things you feed your mind with will.

Lets say, you put a professional cyclist and someone who just owns a bike in a long race. The winner would most likely be the professional cyclist.



It is really simple: 
The professional cyclist has spent hours, days, weeks, months, and even years on preparing himself/herself for bicycle races. He/she feeds his/her mind and body with things that will help him/her to reach his/her goals. Unlike the normal bicycle owner, the professional cyclist guards himself/herself: mentally and physically.

Likewise, we should guard our minds. So that when we are faced with problems, hardships or even challenges we can face it with courage and not back down. We have to  guard it and nurture it. Remember, growth is essential in life, so as long as you keep nurturing your mind, you grow mentally. We may all be negative thinkers by nature, but we can be positive thinkers by choice.

Guard Your Mind Today.

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