Tuesday 14 January 2020

Street Child (Poem)

Street Child

What are you doing out at this time of the morning?
 Sited on the pavement in all those dirty clothing,
 You should be at home, in bed, covered with a cozy blanket,
 In a beautiful pair of nighties, and right beside you, a pet,
 I’m engulfed with great sadness at the sight of you,

 It was never your fault to end up this way too,
 I will never fully understand how it feels to be in your shoes,
 To grow up without love, without being cared for, like a sheep let loose,

 To be able to sleep anywhere, not wash for weeks, live with hunger and no money to spend,
 To take every day as it comes, not preparing for tomorrow, just you and the world, don’t even have a friend,
 All this and more, shatters my heart,
 You do not deserve this, life isn't supposed to be a mean path,
 If there is a God in Heaven who created you and me,
 I know by heart that He did not mean for life to be this hard
What are you doing out at this time of the morning?
 Sited on the pavement in all those dirty clothing,
 You should be at home, in bed, covered with a cozy blanket,
 In a beautiful pair of nighties, and right beside you, a pet.

#pirixdimpleking   #poverty_on_the_rise   #port_moresby_PNG   #year2020

Tuesday 7 January 2020


When something goes wrong and we find ourselves in a very bad situation, we tend to put ourselves down. We give in, we give up, we stop to try and we let it get the best of us because we think that that is it; we think that we are done for, and we look down on ourselves.

It is perfectly natural for us to do that. You see, we are all born into a negative world and as a result of this, we tend to think negative almost all the time. We live in this negative world and this has made negativity a part of us. BUT that does not mean we can not change the way we think. It all starts with YOU GUARDING YOUR MIND.

Keep away from the television, keep away from the cell phone, keep away from social media. Don't even read the newspapers. You see, all of us get a sense of hopelessness and/or anxiety when we see or hear or read about bad things. That is why we have to guard our minds because negative thoughts tend to surface much much easier than positive thoughts. We have to keep away from certain things because the things we put into our minds tend to program us. If you don't program your own mind, these things will. We HUMANS are all 'GOAL ORIENTED'. If you don't start setting your own goals, chances are that the things you feed your mind with will.

Lets say, you put a professional cyclist and someone who just owns a bike in a long race. The winner would most likely be the professional cyclist.



It is really simple: 
The professional cyclist has spent hours, days, weeks, months, and even years on preparing himself/herself for bicycle races. He/she feeds his/her mind and body with things that will help him/her to reach his/her goals. Unlike the normal bicycle owner, the professional cyclist guards himself/herself: mentally and physically.

Likewise, we should guard our minds. So that when we are faced with problems, hardships or even challenges we can face it with courage and not back down. We have to  guard it and nurture it. Remember, growth is essential in life, so as long as you keep nurturing your mind, you grow mentally. We may all be negative thinkers by nature, but we can be positive thinkers by choice.

Guard Your Mind Today.

Mistakes and Failures: Part of Growth

Mistakes and Failures are an integral part of Growth

We all make mistakes once or twice every now and then but when we get knocked down by them, we are not supposed to stay down. You must not contemplate on them for too long. There is a famous analogy that goes something like this: ‘Be like the waves. After they go down, they never fail to rise again”.

See it this way:

Mistakes are life's way of teaching you certain things that cannot be better taught any other way. Not all life lessons are learnt in the comfort of your safe zone – whether it be home, school, or whatever worked for you. Some lessons are learnt outside the confines of your safety, where anything can go wrong and where the burden rests upon your shoulders because the choice that determines the outcome of the situation is solely yours. When the outcome is good, it’s good. When it is bad, it’s bad. Learn to accept both.

A friend put it this way, and I love how she said it: ‘Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals’. There is no way under Heaven that you can become successful without failing; it is simply unrealistic to think that you can win at everything. Just like succeeding is a part of growth, failure is too. Until you accept that, you will not be able to let go of the baggage that your mistakes and failures can place on your life.

You just have to find the courage – it is all within you – to get back up, shake it off, learn what you can from it and keep pressing on; keep pressing forward. Never give up and never quit.
Your capacity to encounter an occasional balls-up is entwined, and in no way divisible, from your capacity to pan out and flourish and thrive.

Stay in the fight!

Monday 6 January 2020

Failure Hurts

It hurts, doesn't it?

It really stings, right? 

It wounds so deep that it don't feel like there will be any healing aye? 

You find yourself staring at the ceiling thinking life is not fair. You know you got no one else to blame but your whole damn lazy self. Tears roll down those cheeks as you see every glimpse of that bright future fading away gradually. You know you are done for. You are history. Your parents will not be very pleased. And everyone around you will look at you like you are a failure.

It sucks aye?

All those long sleepless nights you spent up? 

The precious times you put aside to do last minute study? 

Everything! Just! Sucks! You may already be hurt and broken, but what’s really gonna kill you is what’s gonna come next: The Reality of Life.

What’s gonna really kill you is knowing the fact that you have nowhere to go next year. Knowing the fact that the past 12/13 years you spent in school all amounted to nothing! Knowing that you are a disgrace. An embarrassment. A major let down. A disappointment.
Then once reality sets in, you forget that you are still young. You forget that you still have a long, long way to go. You give up. You let go of the hope, the faith. You find yourself surrounded with walls so you stop trying and just hit the floor. You shut yourself down, mentally. It physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually tears you apart into so many pieces that you don’t even recognize yourself no more. It causes so much pain that personality alteration occurs and you become someone else entirely. It makes you weak, lonely, and vulnerable.

And finally, at the end, You will realize that: "Without Pain, There Can Be No Gain".

You Are Not Defined By Failure

If You Have Faced Failure, This Is A MUST READ.

Do you have a $2/$5 note on you?
Take it out. I'm gonna ask you to do something with it. Follow my instructions:
1. If you are inside the house, go outside now.
2. Look for a puddle of water with lots of mud. Go over to it.
3. Throw that $2/$5 note down into that puddle of water. Step on it so that it will get soaked.
4. After that, you kick it over to the mud. Step on it and kick it around in the mud till its really dirty, then kick heaps of mud onto it till its buried.
5. Now leave it and go back home.
...just joking...
6. Dig it up with both hands, go wash that note, dry it, and get back into the house.

The Dictionary tells us that "Failure" is a 'State or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, opposite of success'. Now that seems like a very bad state to be in. Nobody wants to not reach their objectives, nobody wants to not succeed. That, is a very, very dangerous path.
What the dictionary does not tell us is this:
In order to succeed, we must first fail.
In order for us to know what it feels like to be on top of the world, we have to first know what it feels like to be at the bottom, in order for us to have made it this far in our educational life, we have had to have gotten a good, great number of test & assignment papers with very unpleasant grades, the very fact that you and I are here now, afraid, scared shitless of what the results would be, is a direct evidence that it was not easy getting here. HOW? Its simple. If we know we messed up a lot, that our internal marks were not really good, then we know that we might fail. We are afraid because of our past failures. But if we do not fail, which I believe we wont, then we succeed. And that just proves that to be successful, you first have to fail.
Therefore, failure is not, and I repeat, NOT, a bad thing or state to be in.
It is YOUR REACTION and MY REACTION towards it that is the Problem.

Take Thomas Edison for example. He failed countless times before finally creating the first successful light bulb. They say more than 1000 times, but I believe he failed even more than that. And what hits me is his response when asked if he had failed a lot of times. He said: 'I have not failed 1000 times, I have only found 1000 ways that won’t work.'
That right there was HIS REACTION towards failure. He took it head on. He was positive all the way. He Never Gave Up on His Dream/Ambition/Goal/etc...
BECAUSE HE DID NOT LET IT DO SO. He knew who he was and what he was capable of. He Kept Trying.

You & I are like that $2/$5 that we used at the start. And God is the Owner of that $2/$5 note. When we fail in life, we find ourselves been pushed under a puddle of dirty water. We find ourselves been tossed and turned around in the mud of hopelessness, until we are finally buried. Until we are at our lowest. Until we are fully drained of strength-mentally.
That Is When God Comes In To PULL! US! OUT!


God is waiting for OUR REACTION. We have to choose Him. We have to stay Positive. We have to NOT GIVE UP!


The Question Is:
When You & I Fail,
What Would Our Reaction Be???

Thank You for reading.

Sunday 5 January 2020

A Problem of the Soul (Poem)

Hi there,

So its that time of the year in Papua New Guinea where college school fees come out. I got mine last week, and man, its really high. The sorrow I felt inspired me to write this piece (poem), I also had a little help from a Yann Martel (Life of Pi) quote. I hope you enjoy it!

A problem of the soul
A heaviness of the heart
We’re engulfed in this sweet sorrow
Woefully miscast

Broken and beaten
All willpower overwhelmed
To succumb is to follow
To conquer is to outlast

A darkness of the conscience
A dilemma of the mind
Must we fight till the ‘morrow?
Till the ‘morrow is past

Wounded and bleeding
All life-force parched
To die is to wallow
I must live everlast

A problem of the soul
A heaviness of the heart
A darkness of the conscience
A dilemma of the mind


Friday 3 January 2020

What Is Your Worth?

What is your worth?

How valuable do you think you are?

I know you have your own answer but please allow me to give you mine. Here it goes:
Today, in the world that we live in, people value a lot of things because of what this things are worth. Some value money, luxury, a prominent job and many more while others value nature, especially plants and animals. Heck, there are people out there who love dogs more than they love other fellow humans! But no matter how valuable all the above are, none can ever add up to Your Value.
You see, money, luxury, and all of those are man-made and have calculated values. Nature, on the other hand, is God's Creation and does not have any calculated value other than those that have been set by humans.

Now you might say: I am also God's Creation. How different does that make me from Nature?
Well, for everything else in the Garden, God spoke and it came into form; it came into being. The sound of His mighty voice resulted in the existence of these things. For you, a human? Nope, not so.
He had to leave His Throne and come down to this Earth, He had to go onto both knees, and he had to mold the dirty clay with His bare Hands. Every centimeter, every inch of your body was molded and shaped by His Powerful Hands and He even went to the extent of breathing the breathe of life into your nostrils so that you may have life. Oh yes, He could have just spoken and you would have come into existence but no, God, the Creator of the entire Universe, had to leave his Throne in Glory; had to come down to Earth; Had to kneel down on the ground; had to touch the dirt of this Earth; had to get His Holy Hands and Fingers dirty! JUST FOR YOU! JUST SO THAT YOU COULD BE A PART OF ALL CREATION!


No calculated value on this Earth set by men can ever add up to Your Real Value. You Are The Icing On The Cake, The MASTERPIECE Of God's Creation. No amount of Diamonds, Gold, or any precious stones can outworth your worth. No living thing found in nature can outvalue your value. Money, luxury - the things that are valued by people today - can and will never ever be comparable to you in this life or in the life to come. There is no word in the dictionary that could ever fully describe your worth. YOU ARE EVEN WORTH DYING FOR! Because God sent His Only Son to give up His Life for You. Yes, YOU!

On a piano, you have 88 spirituals. The 'keys' of the keyboard may be referred to as spirituals. You have the seven white spirituals which are named after letters A - G, and you have five black spirituals which are found between the white spirituals. All add up to twelve spirituals. Now if you calculate the probability of how many chord progressions there are, you will find a set limit, but that does not mean that there is a limit to the amount of music that can and will ever be made. We, humans, are like that Piano. The Characters and Personalities we possess are like the keys on the piano. Probability tells us that there can be a limit to how many types of people there are and psychology tells us that there are four types of people but that does not mean there there is a limit to how many lives there are that roam the face of this Earth. You Can Look This World Over Ten Times, Twenty Times, Even A Hundred Times But You Will NEVER Find Someone Who Is Exactly Like You.

What does this tell you about yourself???

You Are Special.
You Are Unique.
You Are Rare.
Thus, Your Value is immeasurable.
So, again I ask, what is your worth?

How valuable do you think you are?

Thursday 2 January 2020

Stronger On Your Own (about relos)

We tend to rush from one relationship to another, thinking that the next person is gonna love us and treat us better than the last, thinking that we can not take the of the pain of losing someone. We are so caught up in this way of thinking because rather than using our brains to think, we are using our feelings and emotions and fears. We depend on other people for our happiness. We think that only with them, we can be whole; that we can be complete. 

But that’s a lie! 

You and I are stronger on our own. We do not need other people to make us whole, we do not need other people to make us feel complete because our God created us with EVERYTHING WE NEED! A MASTERPIECE. Jumping from one relationship to another only shows that you do not value yourself enough to wait. Value-unstable people tend to do that. It only shows how insecure and vulnerable you are. And that is not, I repeat, NOT, who you really are, or rather, who you should be. You are just blinded by love. Your heart has the potential to heal itself. You can survive any heartbreak.

Don’t rush. 
Take it low and slow. 

If you value yourself enough, you would wait...because 'Love is Patient', and your heart is valuable and must be treated with respect, love and extra care.

Borders & Time (about LOVE)

At the start of any relationship, you have love. This love is the 'I Love You Despite' form of love because nothing about that special person can change how you feel for him/her. The boy and the girl fall in love and end up in a relationship. As time goes by, they learn a lot about each other. They learn each other’s backgrounds, interests, future goals and ambitions, strengths and weaknesses, etc... and they grow more and more, intimate. It is not until after the FIRST MISTAKE that tougher measures are brought up, just like in the Garden of Eden - BORDERS will be created.

She won’t allow him to do certain things, say certain things, or even entertain certain people, and he would most likely demand the same of her. Their expectations towards each other would grow. Each partner would want it to go their way. They would want to be heard, they would want to be followed, they would want the other partner to prove to them that they really love them by not crossing these BORDERS that they have set, thus turning the 'I Love You Despite' to 'I Love You If' and 'I Love You When'. The deciding factor now becomes TIME.

Only TIME will tell how true and loyal the other partner can be.

Only TIME will tell how much the other partner is willing to give up for the one he/she loves.

Only TIME will tell which BORDERS were worth not crossing.

Only TIME will tell True Love.

Quantum Physics - Respect Everyone's View

Quantum Physics - Respect Everyone's View

Quantum Physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. This statement, from Science, holds a powerful insight. It means that everyone sees a different truth because everyone is creating what they see.

The observer creates the reality.

Therefore, it can be stated that a persons’ view on something, no matter how unanimous, must always be taken into consideration because everyone sees a different truth. Thus, it would be wrong to state that anybody’s view of something is invalid no matter what because their view is their view; they are observers too and what each one of them sees affects that particular person differently than the others.

The Bottom Line is: 
RESPECT everyone’s point of view. You might just be surprised at the way they see the world.

In Case You Missed It

Borders & Time (about LOVE)

At the start of any relationship, you have love. This love is the 'I Love You Despite' form of love because nothing about that speci...