Saturday 22 February 2020

Tiny Tots 001: God Has His Reasons

Life is never easy on any of us. 

I reached medical school, which has always been my dream, just so that I could fail in the first year and get kicked out. A good friend of mine lost his mother due to grief and depression, 14 months right after he lost his father in a car accident. My biology teacher in high school got fired from her job for endlessly appealing to her former bosses that a particular land be preserved because of the natural inhabitants that lived on it. And I know you have had your own struggles and challenges. Some have seemed unbearable. Despite all that, you pushed through and you stood firm against that all odds.

I believe that at a certain point in time, during that struggle, you may have paused to ask the question: "God, why did you let this happen to me?". I know, because I did that too, and I will share with you what He taught me.

I have two views:

Firstly, we can never fully understand the reasons behind why He does what He does and why He allows things to happen the way that they do. He has His reasons, and because His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts, we will not be able to understand or comprehend any of it.

And secondly, almost everything that happens to us is a consequence of our choices. We tend to reap what we sow. Yes, He is an all knowing and all powerful God but He is also just and fair. He gave us the power of choice and He respects that.

There is a famous quote that goes like this:
"God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His Wisdom, but we simply have to trust His Will."

It is my prayer for you that you find it in your heart to trust His Will. He knows what is best for you and He has plans to prosper you. Give Him your heart today.

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