Tuesday 4 February 2020

Respect Is Something You Deserve

There are too many people out there in the world today that feel like they have little to no worth. Because of that, they see themselves in low regard. They accept less than they deserve, settle for less than they deserve, tolerate less than they deserve, they even put a lot of effort and energy into things that do not deserve their valued input.

As a human, you are a highly intellectual being who is composed of a combination of character and personality that ONLY YOU POSSESS. You are an individual - separate, independent and unique. You are rare, as there is no one exactly like you. This very fact proves that you have intrinsic value - value from within - and that you do matter. It proves that you have worth that is not dependent upon your experiences or the way you live life.

If you are of such worth, then there has to be a standard that you should live your life by. A standard that is grounded and rooted on principles that not only govern your life but protects who you are - your identity - and preserves your worth; your value. You deserve to be treated in high regard. 

Others, like you, have self-worth and they matter too. As such, they deserve respect from you, The same is true for you. Do not settle for less than that.

You must find the courage to leave the table, if respect is no longer being served.

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