Always Blamed God?

Always Blamed God? (Jan 7th, 2020)

I have always blamed God for the bad things that has happened to me. 
I blame Him when things do not go my way. I blame Him when the people I care about hurt me. I blame Him when I do not get what I want. When I’m crushed down by hardships and struggles and it feels like there is no more hope, I blame God.

It actually feels easier to blame Him because He cannot point fingers back at me, but after watching 'Gods Not Dead 2', a light was switched on in my head and that changed the way I see it now. You see, when life gets tough and we are tossed to the ground, when all hope is lost, when giving up feels like the only option, we tend to think sometimes that maybe, just maybe, God has left us. We think that He has forsaken us, BUT, that is not true. There is a well-known saying that goes:

'The teacher is always quiet during a test'.

Truth is: 
God is always there when we fall in life. He is always right there by our side, even when we feel like He is not. He knows us better than we know ourselves so when the test is on, He is quiet because He knows that we can endure, He knows that we can survive, He knows that we will prevail. He is also testing our faith, to see how strong this belief and trust that we have for Him is. Sometimes, He wants to see if we can trust Him through it all and to just hang in there for as long as it takes - just hang in there long enough for Him to teach us what He wants us to learn. Therefore, we must never lose hope or faith when life hits us with all it’s got because if God is for us, who can be against us? 

Remember: Our God Is Bigger Than Any Of This Problems/Hardships/Struggles/etc. Keep The Faith!

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